The influence of the generic competencies in the initial workforce readiness. Case study in UANL


  • Valeria Paola González Duéñez Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Joel Mendoza Gómez Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml



Employability, Generic Competencies, Initial Workforce Readiness


Currently the aeronautical industry demand human resource that is highly competitive with excellent abilities, skills and job skills that allow the growth of this industry in Mexico. UANL offers the educational program in Aeronautical Engineering and because is a program designed under the new competency-based education model, it is necessary to measure the employability of students working under this new teaching-learning process, such as is achieved and even provide feedback to continually improve any area of opportunity in the transition of students during their training. This research presents a cause-effect model where independent variables are considered classified generic competencies: instrumentals, social interaction and integrative, and the dependent variable initial workforce readiness. To define the variables, objectives and hypotheses we did an analysis of competency-based international models. Variables were operationalized to design and determine the reliability of the measuring instrument performing the content validity with 12 experts on the competency model. To test the hypothesis of educational program were selected 103 students using Phase I, II and III as field study. Phase I is an assessment of students, Phase II is an
evaluation with teachers and Phase III is the opinion of employers. Finally, we present the results of analysis of the direct influence of generic skills: instrumentals, social interaction and integrative and professional-labor performance work called initial workforce readiness.


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How to Cite

González Duéñez, V. P., & Mendoza Gómez, J. (2011). The influence of the generic competencies in the initial workforce readiness. Case study in UANL. Innovaciones De Negocios, 8(16), 391–413.