Towards the construction of a national accountability and superior audit system in México
Accountability, Control Mechanisms, Democracy, Superior AuditingAbstract
Accountability and superior auditing of public resources are basic conditions of modern democracies and part of the state reform. To reinforce accountability and superior audit institutions it is proposed to integrate a National System of Accountability and Superior Auditing. This System is meant to enhance the effectiveness of the internal and external controls and to promote the efficiency, efficacy, ethics, legality and austerity in the use of public resources. It is necessary to implement strategies to assure the superior audit institutions, at the Federal and state level, with financial independence and administrative autonomy, training and civil service granted in the Political Constitution. Part of the System will be the National Institute of Accountability and Superior Audit. This Institute will promote training, the best audit and evaluation techniques and the accountability and austerity culture. Finally, the Citizen Accountability Consultative Council, will provide a forum of discussion, opinion and free expression regarding accountability and the correct
use of public resources.
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