Market orientation and its effect in the satisfaction with respect to the commercial relations between manufacturing & distribution of pharmaceutical products, Jalisco, México
Economic Satisfaction, Market Orientation, Psychological Satisfaction, Relationship MarketingAbstract
The market orientation is a process through as information is generated on the markets of the company; such information by all the organization is scattered and who sustains the decision making; and finally, the organizational answer of the company based on own actions of a direction towards the client and the surroundings. The market orientation has been studied from two main perspectives, the cultural perspective and the perspective of behaviors. The cultural market orientation sustains in the values and beliefs on the decision making in the market leading to actions on strategies to the market that are originated from within. The other perspective, the one of behaviors, are based on a set of actions those that not necessarily have a cultural base, although some raise that all oriented behavior to the market
is consequence of a system of beliefs that sustains them. However, several scales have been developed to measure the market orientation from a perspective or another one. It has been verified that both scales from the market orientation are convergent as far as the measurement of
such phenomenon. A measurement becomes of the perception from market orientation through the perspective of behaviors and of the economic and psychological satisfaction experienced by both parts in the relation (in a sample of 54 wholesale distributors and 14 manufacturers), being that the perception from direction to the market influences more of important way in the economic
satisfaction, no in the psychological satisfaction. In the work a valuation becomes of these results.
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