Comparative analysis of a metaheuristic based on a genetic algorithm versus a branch & cut method for a pickup and delivery problem with time windows constraints
Genetic Algorithms, Routing Logistics, Metaheuristics, SchedulingAbstract
In an attempt to sovle the combinatorics problems, it is important to evaluate the costbenefit ratio between obtaining solutions of high quality and the loss of the computational resources required. The problem presented is for the routing of a vehicle with pickup and delivery of products with time window constraints. This problem requires instances of great scale (nodes≥100). A strong active time window percentage exists (≥90%) with factors of amplitude ≥75%. The problem is NP-hard and hence, the application of an exact method of solution, is limited by the time frame required for routing activity. A specialized genetic algorithm is proposed, which offers solutions of high precision and in computational times that makes its practical application useful. An experimental design is developed with good results that makes use of optimum solutions obtained by means of branch and cut algorithm without time limit.
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