The relevance of Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico
Foreign Direct Investment, National Development, Foreign Direct Investment ConsequencesAbstract
The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has had important consequences in the Mexican economy, along the positive effects at the same time can be indicated the contributions in manufacturing, productivity, wages, employment and foreign trade; also some negative consequences have appeared, between the displacement of the internal savings and the deterioration in trade balance are one among the most important. Nevertheless, the general conclusion reflects the positive effects are enough to promote the hosting to new investments in
the national territory.
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Dussel, P. 2003. Condiciones y efectos de la inversión extranjera directa y el proceso de integración regional en México durante los noventa. Una perspectiva macro, meso y micro. Plaza y Valdés y Facultad de Economía UNAM, México.
Secretaría de Economía. 2004. Diversas estadísticas.
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