Probable trends in education in the XXI century
Principles, Society, State, Tendencies, UniversityAbstract
Using the outlines of documental investigation, this work focuses on the main analysis of an outstanding group of local and foreign investigators with regards to the university institutions in the century that just has begun and, starting from that basis, tries to outline the tendencies and probable perspectives of the university as close as possible to the reality.
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Schwartzman, S. 1999. "Prospects for Higher Education in Latin America". International Higher Education. The Boston College Center for International Higher Education,núm. 17, fall, 9-10.
The World Bank & UNESCO (The Task Force on Higher Education and Society). 2000. Higher Education in Developing Coutries. Peril and Promise. Washington, D. C. The World Bank.
Tunnermann, C. 1995. Una Nueva Visión de la Educación Superior. San José: CSUCA.
UNESCO. 1998. La Educación Superior en el Siglo XXI. Visión y Acción (Documento de Tabajo). París: UNESCO.
Vessuri, H. (coordinadora). 1998. La Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) en las Universidades de América Latina. Caracas: Fondo Editorial FINTEC.
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