Corporate social responsibility management: An analysis of Mexican power sector




Corporate Social Responsibility, Mexican Electric Sector, Mexican Electric Reform, Stakeholders


This study has the objective of analyzing and evaluating the management of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Mexican Electric Sector, it will be analize the case of the “Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE)”. The research has an exploring purpose; the study population is the electrical industry in Mexico, and we focus on the Comision Federal de Electricidad, -the Mexican Electric Monopoly-. Explaining tools will be used in order to valid the results of the CSR Management in this company. We observe that CFE has dedicated efforts and has invested in relevant topics related with CSR, like employees, suppliers, environment and society. We recommend create a Political Board in Corporate Social Responsibility that will be on charge of coordinating, promoting and improving the management in CSR, through the implementation of index and objectives in social and environmental topic. In the margin of the situation in Mexican Electrical Reform that will take place in the next years, the publication of “Sustainability Memories” is recommended on a short time, as a way to inform the interested groups related with Mexican Electric Industry.


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How to Cite

García, M. (2007). Corporate social responsibility management: An analysis of Mexican power sector. Innovaciones De Negocios, 4(7), 147–174.