Civic participation as a legitimizing governmental element




Participation, Citizenship, Genuineness


The technological changes and the information flowing in continuous and global form has taken to westernized societies to be exposed to relative data of what happens in their community and in distant communities territorially. The information causes that the citizens have an opinion before the decisions and the governments' actions, and when a decision affects its personal sphere negatively, it feels the impulse of to act and to take a grade of control of the decision that impacts in its person and in its collective or union. The particular matters that the civic participation takes to the public light spread easily to arrive to the political calendar, for what the government reacts quickly to their demands, before the threat that the public opinion reduces its genuineness and get lost to be able to. This massive information and the positive discrimination have caused that the civic participation has increased considerably for benefit from the society when being listened their demands and of the governments because if they act unerringly they can increase its genuineness.


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How to Cite

Sáenz, K., Guillén, A., & Castillo, J. (2007). Civic participation as a legitimizing governmental element. Innovaciones De Negocios, 4(7), 191–204.