Review of the strategic management process, study of the strategy, structure and equifinality paradigm: An empirical research in northeastern Mexican companies




Systems, Situational, Strategy, Structure, Equifinality, Chaos


The objective of this research is to test empirically the strategy, structure and equifinality
paradigm in northeast México companies. Businesses, in this region of the country, were studied through the application of a questionnaire. The paradigm of Chandler regarding “structure follows strategy” is the independent variable. The dependent variable is established as finding equifinal results with or without the presence of the strategy-structure paradigm. From this study, two contributions materialize. The first one is that it is effectively true the relationship between strategy and structure. The second and more important one is that the equifinality paradigm was in fact true and empirical evidence was obtained. To determine the reasons for the functioning of this paradigm, more research is needed. “No matter the beginnings”, final success may be explained by the wholistic nature of management.


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How to Cite

Aguirre, H., Flores, O., & Alatorre, V. F. (2008). Review of the strategic management process, study of the strategy, structure and equifinality paradigm: An empirical research in northeastern Mexican companies. Innovaciones De Negocios, 5(10), 265–286.