Participation of Mexican firms in social responsibility: Case of multinationals of automobile sector
Automobile Sector, Mexico, Social ResponasabilityAbstract
In present day of globalization, taking into account the commitments that Mexico faces with regards to its recent commercial treaties, and given the opportunities offered, it is crucial to construct a vision for the country based upon solid fundamentals of confidence and cohesion which are directly related to social responsibility, the basic piece in promoting competitiveness.
This in turn requires long terms policies which allow the betterment of productivity in a sustainable form and which allow the incorporation of new conditions for sustainable development, requirements that the very markets impose upon in the global sphere. Sustainable development not only takes into account the environmental conditions and natural resource protection, but also social sustainability within both internal as well as external environment of the company thereby justifying its commitment with regards to the society. Much has been discussed on the commitments of multinational companies which are obligated to perform within the framework of social responsibility and whether this type of commitments are also associated with multinational companies in Mexico.
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