Factors that influence the generation of obsolete products in inventories of Mexican companies





Generation of Obsolete Products, Inventories, Mexican Companies, Obsolescence


The obsolescence of inventories is an actual issue, therefore we propose according to scientific objectives prediction and control (Abramson 1983), an inventory obsolescence construct OI (Chaneski 2000, Aichmayr 2002, Masters 1991) to define the factors that make a product obsolete in the inventories of the companies. The model we propose consist of three factors; first, the obsolescence in the market due to the consumers preferences measure thru the product life cycle (PLC) (Solomon 1999), Birou 1998, Ryan 1985, Levitt 1965); Second, the service inventory that has to do with the logistic and competence necessities of the market of each particular company. (Muller 2004) Aichmayr 2002); and Third, that generated by the administrative practices used by the company as an internal factor (IMR 2002, Masters 1991).


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How to Cite

Treviño, F., Villalpando, P., Blanco, M., & Barragán, J. N. (2009). Factors that influence the generation of obsolete products in inventories of Mexican companies. Innovaciones De Negocios, 6(12), 155–171. https://doi.org/10.29105/rinn6.12-1