El Cine: El negocio de la cultura
Film business, film consumption, film market, film production, cultureAbstract
The main purpose of this document to state the importance of the films not only as a cultural generator, but also as an economical and industrial engine for the Country of origin. It establishes, mainly the importance that producers and directors have to play in these two film slopes of movie business: as a culture product and as a consumption product. It shows the contribution that the 7th art has given to the United States obtaining important blockbusters and as a mean in which this Country has influenced in the values and the desires of others. We expose what, years ago, the film industry represented to Mexico during the “Golden Era” (“Epoca de Oro”), how it declined and which mechanisms are being implemented by the government to stimulate this industry. On the other hand, we give detailed information of what the Mexican film makers could do to impulse the industry.
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