Key points to consider during the implementation of the effectiveness testing for a variable-to-variable interest rate swap hedging relationship




Bulletin C-10, Effectiveness Testing, Hedge Accounting, Swaps


This article analyzes the hedge accounting of fair value hedge on a variable-tovariable swap. Following the effectiveness valuation procedure established in Bulletin C-10 “Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Activities” under Mexican GAAP will generate distorted effectiveness outcome even though the critical terms between the hedge item and the hedging instrument are the same in all aspects. To show this effect we present a hypothetic example for a fair value hedge relationship LIBOR-TIIE. Our conclusion is that this distortion is due to a valuation effect known as “pull to par” especially when the coupon reset dates of the hedge item and the hedging instrument does not match with the valuation date. Finally, it propones alternative ways to book this kind of transactions that eliminate the temporal distortion that this pull to par effect generates.


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How to Cite

García, M. A., Martínez, H. G., & Cruz, J. G. (2009). Key points to consider during the implementation of the effectiveness testing for a variable-to-variable interest rate swap hedging relationship. Innovaciones De Negocios, 6(12), 325–339.