Organizational creativity as a key element in the process of innovation management for new product development, SME sector study




CANIETI, Innovation, New Product Development (NPD), Organizational Creativity, SMEs


The purpose of this study is to analyze organizational creativity as a key element in the process of product innovation. Analyzing some manage models for organizationa  creativity presented by various authors who have studied this phenomenon. Also, this element of Organizational Creativity stems from a doctoral study in which this variable is considered as the contribution to a new management model for the innovation process in developing new products for the SME sector. The analysis of results and conclusions are derived from a study of 34 samples to the industry of information technology in Nuevo León, México.


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How to Cite

López, O., Blanco, M., & Guerra, S. (2010). Organizational creativity as a key element in the process of innovation management for new product development, SME sector study. Innovaciones De Negocios, 7(13), 65–88.