Development strategies for Mexican commercial film to the United States
Film Commerce, Film Enterpriser, Film Industry, Film Market, Film Production, Production Financing, United States MarketAbstract
This document’s main purpose is to set the base line to include elements in the film production that allow an appropriate Mexican film commercialization in the United States. It establishes considerations that producers can take into account at the moment of filming a movie, valuing business, marketing, economical and cultural factors. We set the way in which producers can obtain funds to build their projects by financing it from public companies offering “product placement” or promotional advertising in the movie as revenue for them and also how, to whom, and in which movies this type of
marketing should considered. The government incentives are also an appropriate way to impulse the film production, by economical funds or by supporting offices. At the end, we show some success factors of sagas and series that will help Mexican producers to obtain positive profits in the film production business including commercializing elements at a film among the United States audience.
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