Theoretical proposal on factors in promoting intercompanies collaboration on the early phase of cluster conformation
Clusters, Intercompanies Collaboration, Intercompanies Cooperation, GlobalizationAbstract
Present research intends to clarify relationship between intercompanies collaboration and cluster successful conformation. This project shows theoretical concepts about clusters, origins and how clusters evolution parallels the globalization process. The investigation also clarifies differences about concepts of intercompanies cooperation and collaboration used so far without distinction. Actual scientific literature is analyzed about early phase of cluster conformation. intercompanies collaboration (C.I.) is considered key to cluster successful conformation, and highlights which key factors are most relevant in cluster
conformation, its consolidation and its competitiveness. This is why this research is important regarding what theoretical framework lies behind the 7 factors recognized as the intercompanies collaboration (C.I.) construct. Such factors are: i) Interchange of strategic information (I.E.), ii) formalized and consensual rules (R.C.); iii) preexistence of particular strategies (P.E.); iv) Process of firms selection (P.S.); v) Government roll as facilitator (R.G.); vi) Expected leadership in first cluster president (L.P.) and vii) Expected leadership in first cluster manager (L.G.). This theoretical framework is the first part of an investigation presented here in qualitative terms and the quantitative results will be presented shortly. Finally, some recommendations are presented useful to new clusters being founded in the state as well in Mexico.
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