Citizen’s local government performance evaluation
Access to Public Information, Citizen’s Perception, Local Government, Public Performance Evaluation, Public Services EffectivenessAbstract
This article presents the result of a study whit the objective to identify and measure the impact of the factors that the citizens uses to evaluate the public management performance in a specific territorial and temporary space in the sphere of action of local government. With a sample of 250 Mexican citizens that normally live in Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, Mexico conformed by 126 (50,4%) women of between 23 and 73 years with a mean of 43 years old and 124 (49,6%) men of between 18 and 71 years with a mean of 38 years old,
the most important findings allowed to identify the factors that mainly influence the evaluation that the citizen does about the local government performance are: the effectiveness of the public services, the honesty of the public workers and the accountability just only linked to the access of public information. The study also offers evidence that confirm variation does not exist between men and women in their way of local government performance evaluation.
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