From the uncertainty of entrepreneuring to strategic planning: Cafetalera Alianza
agribusiness, business strategy, entrepreneurship, startup managementAbstract
More than 70% of startups in Mexico fail during their first years of operation, mainly due to lack of strategic guidelines. Cafetalera Alianza, a micro company that sells ground coffee in Monterrey, Mexico, has three years of operations without being able to grow and consolidate in the market. To design a business plan that reduces the risk of failure, strategic tools are used such as the value net (Nalebuff et al., 1996), the ERIC matrix (Mauborgne et al., 2005) and the canvas model (Osterwalder et al., 2011). This will allow the company to know its environment and itself, and thus be able to formulate a strategy based on the theory but, mainly, on the practical.
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