Interactive policy communication towards traditional media as promoters of unconventional political participation of young people in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo León
attention to news and political programs, interactive political communication, unconventional political participationAbstract
This article aims to study the unconventional political participation of young people in the metropolitan area of Monterrey and the effects that produce at it the interactive political communication as a new paradigm and attention to news and political programs in the media traditional communication that for research would be the press and television. This study is quantitative court, therefore, an opinion poll where fieldwork was conducted with funding from the PRODEP (Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente, para el tipo superior).The goal of the study were to determine the degree of unconventional political participation, interactive political communication and attention to news and policy programs also sought to determine the explanatory level they have on political participation unconventional elements such as interactive political communication and attention to the news and programs politics. Regarding the most relevant results it was determined that the interactive political communication is the variable that has greater explanatory level against unconventional political participation.
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