The doctoral theses of the FACPYA: Bibliometric analysis of their references [2011-2015]
bibliometric study, doctoral thesis, obsolescence of literature, price index, referencesAbstract
This article aims to present the partial results of a larger bibliometric study in which the quality of the bibliographical references of the doctoral theses of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León is analyzed, in this partial study, the trends of citation of the two PhD’s degree of FACPYA in the field of Administration and Accounting are analyzed, taking as a field of study 35 doctoral theses from both areas, defended during the years 2011 to 2015 and which are in the databases from the UANL Digital Collection. For the analysis, 5 bibliometric index variables were used at international level to evaluate scientific publications through which it was proposed to answer the following questions: What is the average of the references that contain these documents? What kind of documents do they use? How old are the cited documents? (Price index), Which language is the most used?, Which percentage presents errors in the application of the bibliographic style?. The objective of the work was to identify the type of sources that were consulted to elaborate the theses. The important findings about the average number of documents was acceptable, as well as the varied type of documents used, as is the case with most of the studies in the subject. The index of references of journal articles indicates an acceptable consumption use of scientific information, the Price Index describes acceptable percentages of updated information consumption and identified errors in the handling of the bibliographic style.
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