Quality service in the public transportation system and its impact in user’s satisfaction
quality service, public transportation system, servperf, user’s satisfactionAbstract
Giving an excellent service trough quality attributes has been the constant in most organizations, now that it has a direct impact in client’s satisfaction as a user of the services, and in the strategic results of the organization. This research study makes a contribution to the area of administration and business, as it measures the quality service and clients’ satisfaction of the public transportation system in Hermosillo, Sonora, México. This investigation is a quantitative type with a universe of study of 1296 transport users, to whom was applied a measurement instrument where were determined the dimensions or attributes with the highest impact in client´s satisfaction, through the Servperf (Service Performance) methodology. The analysis was carried out through an exploratory factor analysis (EFA), as well as a multiple linear regression technique. The dimensions evaluated were: Tangible, reliability, responsibility, assurance and empathy. The results of the estimation of multiple linear regression determine the importance, weight and value of each dimension in terms of satisfaction measured by the quality service given and for this study, indicate the areas that have to be attended and improved for the clients to be more satisfied with the service in terms of quality.
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