Business and gender: the man as a weak sex and educational proposals


  • Andrés Ramírez Puerto Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Puebla



business, crisis, education, gender, masculinity


We can’t deal with the ethical and economic consequences of the gender issues unless we are aware of this ideology. There is evidence of an outstanding performance of women in business what has been linked with a flexible femininity together with its attitudes and values demanded in today’s economy. Men’s studies on their part have shown a rigid masculinity that prevents many men from adapting to the business environment. This article reflects about the internalization of this ideology that shows resistance to media campaigns so we need to offer a specific gender training for managers and include gender education in schools. We need to go down to the level of the values and narratives internalized, encouraging reflexion, to expand our views and capabilities.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Puerto, A. (2017). Business and gender: the man as a weak sex and educational proposals. Innovaciones De Negocios, 14(28), 287–301.