The role of innovation and technological change from an economic perspective


  • José Antonio Velázquez Juárez Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro



Innovation, Technological Change, Macroeconomics, Technology


In this research, the processes that the market and the decisions of a public management are analyzed, and can have an influence over the creation of technological change pattern, which it leads to give an explanation about the reasons
that can make grow the current or potential production of a national economy in the long term. To this end, several topics related with production factors, technological change, innovation, economic cycles, economic growth and accumulation of capital are included, which have a big repercussion from the economic perspective to explain the importance of technological progress over the economic activities at a national level. Additionally, this article pretends to explain from a macroeconomic perspective, the impact that innovation and technological change generates, like an amount of activities that are developed from a compilation of multiple theoretical contributions from the area
of innovation and technological change.


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How to Cite

Velázquez Juárez, J. A. (2019). The role of innovation and technological change from an economic perspective. Innovaciones De Negocios, 16(31), 1–25.