The financial audit for fiscal pourposes like fiscal internal control as a measure to contribute to the decreasing of fiscal contingencies
Financial and Fiscal Audit, Fiscal Internal Control, Fiscal ContingencesAbstract
The purpose of this article is to assess the advisability of maintaining the audit
of financial statements for fiscal purposes (Fiscal Opinion) as part of internal control in
the companies for the purpose of reducing the fiscal contingencies that may arise from
the exercise of the faculties of verification of the fiscal authorities. In order to carry out
the foregoing, the relevant aspects of said audit are analyzed, as well as the main causes
that contribute to the continued existence of the large corporate issuer groups in the
Mexican Stock Exchange located in the state of Nuevo León, to this end, surveys were
applied to both the groups and the firms that audited them, analyzing the results applying
the methodology of experts by fuzzy logic. The results indicate that the large groups that
continue to pronounce fiscally do so, by virtue of constituting it as an internal control tool
that helps eliminate or reduce their fiscal contingencies.
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