The remunerations positively impact on the organizational commitment through the psychological empowerment in public institutions teachers
human capital, organizational commitment, remunerations, psychological empowerment, teachersAbstract
Currently, a worrying reality is being experienced, since 79% of the employees in each company are not committed to their work. Organizations today are trying to achieve 100% of their results in a highly competitive environment, full of
threats and obstacles, where the economic compensation is no longer the most important aspect for employees. With the economic and social changes that are currently experienced, organizations now not only worry about achieving
competitiveness and excellent results, but they also face new challenges related to human capital. The present investigation analyzes the relation between remunerations, the psychological empowerment and the organizational commitment in teachers of public institutions of middle higher education. In addition to this, the current context of the problem is emphasized, the literature review, the methodology that was followed through the development of the measurement instrument, the content validity and the data collection that were analyzed under a mediation model. A model of structural equations was used as the method of analysis. It was found that the results support the positive relationship between compensation and organizational commitment through psychological empowerment, so that the hypothesis is accepted.
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