Factors that have an impact on theue generation of an ICT project management office in large organizations of the State of Nuevo León


  • Jesús Garza Sánchez Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Miguel Ángel Palomo González Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml




information and communications technology, international Organization for Standarization, Project Management Book of Knolwedge, Project Management Institute, project management office


It is common to see in organizations that are continually seeking administrative efficiencies that result in cost reduction, especially in times with economic pressures, even in those that can be financially healthy, reduce fixed costs through layoffs, regularly in departments that apparently do not generate income. Information and communications technology project management offices have not been fully accepted as an indispensable part in modern organizations; they must justify their existence by demonstrating that they can improve the performance of a company by modernizing or restructuring operations; they often have difficulty demonstrating their value to other executives; this is a serious problem, so that about half disappear after 2 years of having started; The above can happen even when they have a positive effect on the company; because in many cases, they do not show their benefit correctly (O'Brochta, M 2002).The foregoing also applies to Mexican organizations. However, these offices have arguments with which they can justify their existence. On the other hand; there is a continuing concern of ICT PMOs to measure their own performance, according to the study carried out by doctors Hobbs & Aubry (2007, p. 82) where they conclude that 50% of the cases studied had the function of monitoring and control their own performance.


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How to Cite

Garza Sánchez, J., & Palomo González, M. Ángel. (2018). Factors that have an impact on theue generation of an ICT project management office in large organizations of the State of Nuevo León. Innovaciones De Negocios, 15(29), 77–107. https://doi.org/10.29105/rinn15.29-5