Risk assessment for microenterprises in the Mexican commerce through Beta coefficient
Risk assessment, Beta coefficient, commercial sector, micro enterprises, retail tradeAbstract
The commercial sector in Mexico represents an activity of great importance for the country’s economy, specifically the subsector of retail trade represented almost entirely by micro companies. The Capital Asset Pricing Model measures the risk of a company or asset compared to the total market in which operates, however, most of the studies that use it focus on large companies. The main objective of the research is to determine Beta risk coefficients that are valid and applicable for microenterprises in the commercial sector in
Mexico, so the importance of the study lies in obtaining results contextualized to the economic reality of these companies. The methodology consisted in the elaboration of an index of microenterprises in Mexico and the estimation of a risk coefficient for a given sample of companies. The estimations done allowed to obtain nine Beta risk factors for different branches of the retail sector in Mexico, which are representative and applicable forcompanies with characteristics similar to those of the samples used.
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