Financial performance after mergers and acquisitions of mexican public companies
ratio analysis, mergers and acquisitions, pre and postperformanceAbstract
Mergers and acquisitions have become a common strategy for business growth and consolidation, however, it has been found that in most cases this objective is not achieved since there is a lack of knowledge of the factors that affect post M&A performance. This study aims to measure the
change in financial metrics after 24 mergers and acquisitions in Mexico during 2013 and 2014. The Wilcoxon test is used to determine the significance of the change in subsequent performance. The results obtained show, in most of the financial ratios analyzed, a negative impact on subsequent financial performance and value creation. A robust regression model was used in order to identify some of the factors that cause their success or failure. An analysis of these factors could help to understand and implement corrective measures to achieve successful planning and implementation.
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