Analysis of supplier flexibility and purchasing participation in the manufacturing performance for appliance sector
Supply Strategy, Manufacturing Performance, Appliances SectorAbstract
The purpose of this research is to examine the key factors that integrate a sourcing strategy that improve manufacturing performance. According to the literature and existing applied studies, it has been determined that factors such as, supplier flexibility and purchasing participation could have an impact on manufacturing performance measured through cost, quality, flexibility, and delivery. This research includes the introduction referring to the sector studied, literature review of the variables of the study to conform the theoretical framework, the statistical method for the analysis of the data collected, the results and discussion of results. The originality in this research lies in the application of the instrument to companies in the appliance sector and the inclusion of the opinion of engineers belonging to engineering and project department. Findings suggest based on the quantitative analysis, making use of linear multiple regression, that the factors of sourcing strategy called supplier flexibility and purchasing participation are positively linked to the manufacturing performance of companies at appliances sector in northeastern Mexico.
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