Key performance factors to optimize costs in projects of manufacturing companies in Tecate, B.C. México: An Identification Using Factor Analysis and Spearman's Rho
Key performance indicators, project management, cost optimization, key performance factors, factor analysisAbstract
The purpose of this research was to determine the factors using the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and their impact on project cost
optimization. A descriptive-correlational, quantitative approach with a nonexperimental, cross-sectional design is shown. The unit of analysis was; Medium-sized manufacturing companies in Tecate, Baja California, Mexico,
conducted 31 surveys of project managers. The variables were; key performance factors (independent) and cost optimization (dependent).
Through factor analysis, it was possible to determine 11 indicators that explained 81.741% of the 26, grouping them into 4 factors: F1.Process
Performance Factor, F2.Risk and Problems Factor, F3.Organizational Factor and F4.Environmental Factor. Subsequently, by means of the Rho Spearman correlation analysis, a significant positive correlation was found for the F3
Organizational Factor with the four dimensions of the independent variable. The F2, Risk and Problems Factor, with dimension Y3, Determine the Budget, and Y4. Cost Control. The F4.Environmental Factor with the dimension Y3.
Determine the Budget of 0.573 ** and in Y1. Cost Estimate of 0.427 *. Only F1. Process Performance Factor, did not have any significant correlation with the dependent variable. Consequently, the null hypothesis was rejected.
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