Variables related to performance in the general exam for the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon case
EGEL, Arquitectura, Puntaje de acceso, PromedioAbstract
The purpose of this research revolved around the factors related to the student with respect to the evaluation of the exit exam in the Bachelor of
Architecture, the results of the evaluations were interpreted during the course of his degree, taking into account from his access score to the degree, the final average and other variables that could be correlated with the four areas of
knowledge of the General Exam for the Exit of the Degree (EGEL). This in order to make suggestions to the academy that allow it to focus efforts and carry out academic-administrative strategies that help achieve improvements in the results of the students and that this same I achieved the necessary skills for their graduation. Within the results, it was highlighted that the access score is
correlated with the EGEL average, the general average, as well as the different areas of knowledge except for the Architectural Project (PA) area, for this reason, the different recommendations are They directed towards this practical exam, which turned out to obtain the lowest results in the knowledge areas of
the aforementioned evaluation.
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