Design lines to generate workflow in purchasing process
BPM, Design guide, Purchase management, WorkflowAbstract
Purchase management is the process which responds to the changing demands of the environment, resulting in increased profits for companies. Specifically, purchases in health institutions are becoming more relevant, since these institutions have the challenge of serving with quality, providing timely responses, ensuring security in their purchases, acting efficiently and being in constant innovation. The context in which purchases for health institutions involves growing demand, rapid technological evolution and limited economic and financial resources. Workflow system is a highly supportive tool for the management of any process, it consists of focusing on the procedure of each work activity assigning resources and tasks, making the work more efficient through improving procedures. The main objective of this document is proposal of through the a case study carried out with PADM (Process Analysis Design Methodology) and an analysis of tools found in the market, a design guide to implement a workflow system in the private clinics purchasing process that reduces time and costs.
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