Financial factors of eco-innovation in processes and organization that impact the productivity of the agricultural sector of the Valle of San Quintín Valle, Baja California, México




Financial factors, agricultural companies, innovation, productivity and the San Quintín Valley


The purpose of this preliminary study is to analyze the impact of eco-innovation factors (processes and organization) that impact productivity in the agricultural sector of the San Quintín Valley, Baja California, Mexico. In this sense, the importance of these factors is defined, which contributes significantly to the productivity of the agricultural sector of these companies. Therefore, the central research question is defined. What are the financial factors of eco-innovation that impact the productivity of the agricultural sector of the San Quintín Valley, Baja California, Mexico? The data obtained was analyzed through statistical treatment using SPSS V-21 with a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional and explanatory approach. The results obtained showed that only one variable is significant: eco-innovation in the organization has a positive relationship in the productivity of the agricultural sector of the San Quintín Valley, Baja California, Mexico.


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Author Biographies

Imelda Cuevas Merecias, Universidad Autonoma de baja california

profesor investigador de tiempo completo

Luis Alberto Villarreal Villarreal, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Profesor investigador de tiempo completo

Maria Margarita Carrera Sanchez, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Profesor investigador de tiempo completo

Abel Partida puente, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Profesor investigador de tiempo completo


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How to Cite

Cuevas Merecias, I., Villarreal Villarreal, L. A., Carrera Sanchez, M. M., & Partida puente, A. (2021). Financial factors of eco-innovation in processes and organization that impact the productivity of the agricultural sector of the Valle of San Quintín Valle, Baja California, México. Innovaciones De Negocios, 18(35), 32–52.