The concession structure of the mining sector in Mexico: a study of concentration and competitiveness
Mining sector, competition, concentration, concessionsAbstract
We analyze the concentration of concessions in the Mexican mining sector, as well as the degree of competition that this sector presents based on
the holding of concessional hectares as of December 31, 2016. Our work finds that 13% of the hectares concessionaires belong to the business groups listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), and the remaining 87% belong to many owners, both individuals and legal entities, identifying the main concessionaires, during the development of this research. Likewise, we found that despite being mostly people those who have mining concessions, with 85%; it is the legal entities who have more hectares concessioned to their name, with 65% of the total. Finally, considering all mining concessionaires, we
conclude there is a high inequality in the distribution of hectares (Gini coefficient), but on the other hand, there is no evidence that the concentration in said concessions configures a non-competitive market structure, of according to the Herfindahl and Hirschman Index (IHH).
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