An Analytical Study of the Relation between International Business and Sustainable Development in the Context of Free Trade Agreements: Practical Experience
International Business, Sustainable Development, Free Trade Agreements, Environmental ManagementAbstract
This work looks into the relations generated between international business and sustainable development, in the context of the free trade agreements signed by Mexico, United States and Canada, by Mexico and Chile, and by Chile and United States. An analytical study of the norms related to sustainable development contained in the agreements is done; similarities and differences are recognized between those norms; and the application of the normative is studied. The massive use of 16 Principles for the achievement of solid environmental management in international business is proposed; it’s determined that in some cases international business are favorable to sustainable development and in other cases are harmful; and, finally, the importance of introducing the study of sustainable development to the general educational system is recognized, as an advance towards ending the actual dissociation existing between companies and sustainable development.
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