Factores que influyen en la sostenibilidad de las PyMES del sector restaurantero del municipio de Monterrey


  • Evelin Anahí Torres Torres Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Alfonso López-Lira Arjona Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml




sustainability, profitability, SME


The permanent closure of SMEs (small and medium-sized companies) is a relevant issue for the Mexican economy since SMEs represent 58% of the country's GDP (gross domestic product). It is important to identify the factors that influence SMEs to maintain business sustainability and prevent them from continuing to close. For this reason, the research to be carried out focuses on
the theoretical proposal of the factors that allow increasing the sustainability of SMEs and thereby increasing or maintaining profitability, achieving it and thus avoiding the permanent closure of these companies. Therefore, the objectives of this article are to present the generalities of SMEs and theoretically support the factors proposed to achieve SME sustainability in Monterrey companies, then, risk control, the use of ICT (information and communication technologies),
adaptive capacity, quality of service and knowledge management. Once the above factors have been supported, a questionnaire with a Likert scale is intended to measure the correlation between the independent and dependent


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How to Cite

Torres Torres, E. A., & López-Lira Arjona, A. (2021). Factores que influyen en la sostenibilidad de las PyMES del sector restaurantero del municipio de Monterrey. Innovaciones De Negocios, 18(35), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.29105/rinn18.35-e1



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