Determinants factors of business insolvency: the case applied to the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores
business insolvency, models with panel data, prediction, public enterprises, sector studiesAbstract
The objective of this research it to contribute to the knowledge of the impact financial and economic factors on the business insolvency of public companies listed on the stock exchange. In addition, a comparative analysis is carried out
between companies and sectors that incurred insolvency and those that have not to do this, the methodology is used with panel data. The information in this study comes from public companies that have listed on the Mexican stock
exchange in the last 26 years. The results indicate that financial, non-financial and macroeconomic factors are the determinants in business insolvency; on the other hand, in the multisectoral model, the sectors most likely in fall into
business insolvency are the frequent consumer products sector, the industrial sector, followed by the non-basic consumer goods and services sector, the one with the less risk is the material sector.
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