Quantitative approach to performance factors of local governments that affect the level of trust of citizens in the urban area of the Cuenca canton in Ecuador
Trust, Local Government, Perception, Linear RegressionAbstract
Research with the purpose of determining the factors with the highest incidence in the levels of trust in local governments have been carried out for the case of developed countries. Meanwhile, few are the works developed in Latin American countries. Particularly in the case of Ecuador, only exploratory works with a qualitative approach can be found and in a smaller number works with a quantitative approach like the present one.
This work was carried out in the urban area of Cuenca - Ecuador and its objective is to determine the factors that affect the level of trust of citizens in their local government. The research question to be answered is: What are the performance factors of local governments that affect the level of trust of citizens? Starting from the construction of a theoretical framework, it is proposed that the factors that could respond to this approach are: The effectiveness in the provision of public services, Honesty of public servants, Equity in the distribution of resources, Access to public information and citizen participation.
To test the hypotheses, the design, validation and application of a survey-type instrument was required. The collected data were analyzed using multiple linear regression (stepped method), using the SPSS statistic. The results obtained show that the variables; Honesty of public servants, Equity in the distribution of resources and Access to public information are statistically significant with respect to the variable trust in local government.
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