Factors of incidence in the improvement of the performance of the teaching staff of private universities in Ecuador.
Performance, efficiency, teachers, satisfaction, leadershipAbstract
Satisfaction factors can have a direct impact on the performance of university teachers. The objective of this research was to determine the factors that improve the performance of the teaching staff of private universities in Ecuador. The study was of a confirmatory, descriptive, correlational and explanatory type with quantitative techniques, for which a measurement and information gathering instrument was elaborated, catalogued by means of the Likert Scale and analyzed by means of inferential statistics through a scientific methodology, the following questionnaires were taken as reference: MLQ Multifactorial Leadership Questionnaire and TJSQ Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, research form of company training process, variable remuneration study survey, organizational culture diagnosis matrix. The consistency of the variables was verified to determine a standardized format aimed at the study population. Structural equations and computer packages such as SPSS and AMOS were used for the analysis.The relationship and influence on the improvement of work performance of the main factors such as "organizational culture, transformational leadership, variable remuneration and training" was verified, which in turn will contribute to narrowing the existing gap between the results of the performance evaluation obtained by teachers and those expected by the university institutions.
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