Components that determine the technological skills of teachers in a technological school.




Technological skills, Structural equation model, Higher Education, Teachers


In the present research, a structural equation model was proposed to explain the influence of anxiety / behavioral factors and utility on the level of technological skills that teachers of the Technologic Nacional de México campus Nuevo Laredo possess in their academic performance. The study was carried out with the application to an acceptable sample of 173 teachers of both genders and with seniority from 1 to 30 years of service with teaching and teaching-administrative functions among other demographic data; the questionnaire was made up of 52 items structured on a Likert scale. The results of the model revealed that the levels of technological skills of the teachers have a strong and considerably significant negative impact because of the anxiety / behavior when they are going to interact with a device to perform their work activities, but when they find it useful, it has a very strong positive and highly significant impact on their technological skills. For this model, it was concluded that the teachers of the Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Nuevo Laredo have higher levels of technological ability when they find utility in their technological equipment.


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How to Cite

Vela Quintero, J. H., Araiza Vázquez, M. de J., Covarrubias Peña, J. D., & Hernández González, J. F. (2022). Components that determine the technological skills of teachers in a technological school. Innovaciones De Negocios, 19(37), 1–19.