Co-creation in the management of technology and innovation of the Research, Development and Innovation Mexican public networks
Co-creation, Management of technology and innovation, R&D&I Mexican public networksAbstract
The present work is an hermeneutic study, which seeks to analyze the compatibility of a model of technology and innovation management based on the prevailing sociotechnical system in the Mexican public sector. Technology and innovation management processes have always had great complications in public sector institutions in Mexico. This is due to the harshness of the sociotechnical system that prevails in this sector, mainly due to public policies, the regulations by which they are governed, and even the laws and regulations internal to the institutions dedicated to Research, Development e Innovation (R&D&I). From this perspective, it seeks to analyze the co-creation process as part of the processes that are closely related to R&D&I of public institutions dedicated to this, not only as the generation of projects or technological developments to measure. , or at the request of the industrial sector, but, in the same way, it was possible to develop products based on the results obtained from applied research generated in public institutions. Information and knowledge societies are an important part of these processes, since, within a co-creation process, the processes for the generation of the integrating base of these societies are embedded. The generation of information resulting in knowledge will provide the guideline for the generation of new technological developments, which public R&D&I institutions will be able to see come true in co-creation with the private sector. For this, the collaboration of the different R&D&I institutions that collaborate in a network with other institutions is required, as well as the productive sector that provides guidelines for real work and market conditions.
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