Design of a mobile App for planning tourist destinations based on experiences
Digital Tourism, Apps, technologies, experiencesAbstract
The purpose of the study was to design a mobile application for planning tourist destinations based on experiences, which allows generating the profile of the tourist or visitor to provide the appropriate options to their preferences and generate a space for interaction for service providers, taking as case study the community of Masiaca located in the south of the State of Sonora. For this, it was necessary to investigate the current situation to identify the areas of focus of the problem, similar cases and existing solutions, to know the main tourist applications that exist in the market, as well as the characteristics they have, an analysis was developed needs and perception of the different actors to create user stories, in order that the requirements of each of the actors are clearly identified, applying an instrument to know the perception of the importance of considering requirements or not, which consisted In a quantitative, cross-sectional descriptive study, where a non-probabilistic intentional sample was worked at convenience, considering 30 service providers and 30 tourists and visitors, for this purpose a questionnaire with a Likert scale was designed for tourists and visitors consisting of 13 items and another for service providers of 11 items, valid given by five experts on the subject. Finally, the solution and the high-fidelity prototype of the mobile application were designed.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nathaly Guadalupe Morales Bravo, Carlos Jesús Hinojosa Rodríguez, Ramón René Palacio Cinco, Gilberto Manuel Córdova Cárdenas

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