Word-of-mouth intent in the restaurant industry of Mexico, a structural equation modeling approach mediated by customer satisfaction.





restaurants, word-of-mouth, customer satisfaction, structural equation modelling


This research aims to analyze the variables that are related to word-of-mouth intention in a context of full-service restaurants, considering as a mediating variable customer’s satisfaction. Partial least squares- structural equation modeling was the chosen approach to test hypotheses. Regarding results, customer’s satisfaction indeed mediates the direct effects of the variables related to word-of-mouth intention thus, these variables impact both customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth intention, the aim of this research was Monterrey’s metropolitan area.


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Author Biography

Christian Reich López, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Profesor de posgrado en FACPYA, candidato a Doctor por la UANL.


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How to Cite

Reich López, C., & Terán Cázares, M. M. (2022). Word-of-mouth intent in the restaurant industry of Mexico, a structural equation modeling approach mediated by customer satisfaction. Innovaciones De Negocios, 19(37), 89–106. https://doi.org/10.29105/revin19.37-394