Variables related to performance in the EGEL-QUICLI for the Bachelor's Degree in Biologist Clinical Chemist UANL
EGEL, school performance, school trajectory, learning unit, evaluation, bachelor’s degreeAbstract
Abstract One of the main concerns for most Higher Education Institutions lies in meeting the quality requirements demanded by various evaluation and accreditation bodies. The general graduation exams for bachelor's degrees (EGEL) applied by the National Center for Evaluation of Higher Education (CENEVAL) are intended to publicly assess and report the level of knowledge and skills. The UANL's QCB degree has had a high performance in the EGEL in clinical chemistry (QUICLI). The objective of this study is to determine how the demographic variables (age and sex) and the school trajectory (grade point average of bachelor's degree, learning units of the integrating professional area and preparation for the EGEL) of the graduate of the UANL's QCB degree are related with the result obtained in the EGEL-QUICLI. It is an investigation with a quantitative approach, it is non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional. The results of this study are of contribution to the administrative teaching staff in charge of the creation, implementation and evaluation of the bachelor’s degree programs.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jorge Martín Llaca Díaz, Diana Guadalupe Robles Espino , Paula Cordero Pérez
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