Associative entrepreneurship: an option for the generation of work under the concept of the Social Economy


  • Axel Rodríguez Batres Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla image/svg+xml
  • Edgar Mauricio Flores Sánchez Consultor e Investigador Independiente
  • Jesús Lorenzo Aarún Alonso Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla image/svg+xml



emprendimiento, economía social, cooperativo, asociativo, trabajo


During the most recent decades, within the social and economic agendas of national and local governments, in the recommendations coming from international organizations that promote development and various programs in universities, the promotion of entrepreneurship has been consolidated as a recurring theme in response to high levels of labour exclusion and unemployment. From there it becomes pertinent to ask: how to link competitiveness with social development? How to link labour and social exclusion and unemployment with economic competition in our region? These are complex tensions to attend to, but they must be identified in a responsible and conscious manner with the aim of contributing to the construction of feasible economic alternatives, from the Latin American approach, taking into account the complex processes of globalization. These challenges require relevant and specific responses from our universities in order to find options that allow job placement and job creation, specifically for young people in the labour market, an area in which the Social Economy plays a very important role, taking in consideration that creates enterprises that promote the relationship between social relevance and business effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Batres, A., Flores Sánchez, E. M., & Aarún Alonso, J. L. (2022). Associative entrepreneurship: an option for the generation of work under the concept of the Social Economy. Innovaciones De Negocios, 19(38), 76–92.