Key Factors that Affect the Growth of SMEs in the Industrial Sector in the Metropolitan Area of Nuevo León
Factores Clave que Inciden en el Crecimiento de las Pymes del Sector Industrial en el Área Metropolitana de Nuevo León
Capacitación Efectiva, Crecimiento Empresarial, Infraestructura Productiva, Internacionalización y Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación.Abstract
Business growth is one of the main purposes of every company and SMEs are no exception. The general objective is to determine the key factors that allow having an impact on the growth of SMEs in the industrial sector located in the metropolitan area of the state of Nuevo León. The types of research used in this study are exploratory, descriptive, correlational, and explanatory. A statistical analysis was carried out on the data from the survey applied to shareholders, directors, and managers of SMEs. Descriptive statistics of the participants were established, including the profile of the study subject and the company. The results obtained show us that a data that the study subjects consider as determinant in business growth are information and communication technologies and training with 36% acceptance, and other 36% consider that the measurement should be based on the increase in the client portfolio. Additionally, an econometric analysis was carried out based on a multiple linear equation that allowed knowing the impact of training, infrastructure and information and communication technologies on the business growth variable, in such a way that it was confirmed that these three variables have an impact positive on the business growth variable. Only the internationalization variable was excluded in the linear regression model. A recommendation for future research is to investigate a little more in the variable that was rejected.
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