Analysis of the Factors that Impact the Tax Compliance of Non-Profit Organizations, through the Binary Logistic Regression Method




NPO, Non-Profit Organizations, Tax Compliance


The Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) are organisms that arise from the motivation of citizens to attend to the diverse needs of the population; These organizations can obtain resources through an authorization from the Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) in order to receive donations that are deductible for tax purposes for their donors. Considering that this authorization may lose its validity or be revoked due to non-compliance with tax obligations, it is important to analyze the factors that impact the tax compliance of these non-profit social organizations, so that the relevant strategies are designed based on this, to achieve compliance and can remain as "Authorized Donees" for tax purposes, continue to be not subject to income tax and manage to continue obtaining donations.

This research work is supported by the theoretical study of the variables that intervene in the tax compliance of NPOs so that they can remain as Authorized Grantees for Tax purposes, addressing various studies that have been written about these factors.

The fact that the Board of Directors, the Tax Human Capital Structure, the Internal Tax Control, the Tax Audit and Transparency are factors that have an impact on the tax compliance of NPOs is hypothesized.

Through the Binary Logistic Regression method, the regression equation is determined, with which the factors that impact the aforementioned Fiscal Compliance of NPOs are found, concluding that the Board of Directors, the Human Capital Structure and Control Internal Fiscal, it is estimated that these are factors that do have an impact on the tax compliance of NPOs to achieve their permanence as Authorized Grantees for Tax Purposes in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Cervantes Contreras, D. A. (2024). Analysis of the Factors that Impact the Tax Compliance of Non-Profit Organizations, through the Binary Logistic Regression Method. Innovaciones De Negocios, 21(41), 1–19.