Factors That Affect Organizational Performance in Rural Msmes: Content Validity and Reliability of a Measurement Instrument
Innovation, MSMEs, Organizational performance, Rural areaAbstract
Micro small and medium enterprises have a fundamental role in the economy, they favor the generation of resources and jobs, but they face challenges of survival and in rural areas limitations in the face of poverty, which is why it is essential to investigate the factors that allow improving the performance, some studies coincide in contemplating entrepreneurial orientation, knowledge management, social capital, and innovation as factors that affect performance, however, to assess the relationship between these variables an approved and safe instrument is required, Therefore, the objective of this project is to determine the validity and reliability of an instrument for measuring organizational performance and the variables mentioned in MSMEs in rural regions, which can provide a frame of reference for future research. The methodology used considers both the validation by specialists and the reliability review, through statistical analysis in SPSSv21, where the results show evidence to approve the instrument. The performance variable is measured by the financial and operational performance dimensions, the entrepreneurial orientation variable, through the proactivity and risk-taking dimensions, the knowledge management factor is valued through its process of acquiring and transferring knowledge, while the social capital variable with the cognitive, structural, trust and social ties dimensions, about innovation it is valued by the dimension of innovation in products, processes, marketing and administrative type.
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