Proposal for a control mechanism for the materiality of the accounting and fiscal operations of taxpayers in Mexico
Control, Internal control, Fiscal internal control, Materiality, Business reasonAbstract
The objective of this research work is to propose a control mechanism for the materiality of the accounting and tax operations of taxpayers in Mexico. The approach is qualitative and descriptive. The axis focuses on those taxpayers who carried out real, trustworthy operations; To this end, a documentary or bibliographic review and an interpretive analysis were carried out, seeking to answer the question: How to distort and prove the materiality of the operations? The purpose of this technique is not to test whether or not the hypothesis is rejected, but rather to generate empirical knowledge as a result of the method. The information was obtained through the list of taxpayers published by the Tax Administration Service updated as of May 31, 2023. The main findings indicate that 331 companies managed to distort the facts attributed to them, which represents 2.6% of the total 12675 companies. It is concluded that the problem continues, which means that in the coming days, months or years the list of taxpayers could possibly be increased in accordance with article 69 – B of the current Federal Tax Code.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Noe Francisco Rico Martínez, Alfonso Hernández Campos, Jes´us Gerardo Cruz Álvarez, Sergio Armando Guerra Moya
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