Global Governance and COVID 19: Analysis of the Perception of the Performance of National Institutions
Trust in institutions, government effectiveness, coronavirus management, government in the face of pandemic, GovernanceAbstract
The role of governance is essential to face a health crisis situation, such as the one we are currently experiencing. In this case, the objective of this study is to analyze the perception that the population has about the performance of political institutions in Mexico regarding the management of COVID-19. For this, a nationwide survey of 1,211 adults was conducted within the Nielsen areas of Mexico as the sampling frame. The main finding was that the variables with the most influence on institutional trust, government management of the coronavirus, the government's effectiveness in coronavirus situations and the government in the face of the pandemic compared to other countries are political disaffection and the information of the pandemic, it means who they trust the most to find out about everything related to the coronavirus.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Vera Patricia Prado Maillard, Alma Saldierna, Felipe Marañón

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Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
Grant numbers 312437